Older News

We have two papers in ASPLOS’14. One on mapping low-level races to language-level races and one on fully-integrated 3D-stacked key-value stores.

Our paper on Approximate Storage was accepted to MICRO!

The Grappa project lead to two workshop papers, one on flat combining (PGAS workshop), and one on DataLog (VLDB IMDM workshop).

Our paper on Input-Covering Schedules was accepted to OOPSLA!

Dan Grossman is awarded a named professorship! Details in his webpage soon!

Luis receives the IEEE TCCA Young Computer Architect Award.

Hadi will join GATech as an assistant professor soon! And Brandon Lucia will join MSR Redmond as a researcher. Congratulations to both!

Our paper on DNA-based molecular architectures was accepted to ISCA!

Ben Ransford joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome Ben!

Our paper on Neural Acceleration of General Purpose Approximate Programs was chosen as IEEE Micro Top Picks!

Adrian Sampson and Thierry Moreau have been selected as finalists for the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship! Congratulations Adrian and Thierry!

Our paper on Taming Nondeterminism in Distributed Systems was accepted to ASPLOS!

Our paper on Cooperative Bug Avoidance was accepted to ASPLOS!

Joe Devietti will Join UPenn as an assistant professor! have fun, Joe!

Our paper on using neural networks to approximate imperative code has been accepted to MICRO!

Our paper on a new hybrid static/dynamic approach to race detection was accepted to OOPSLA!

Our paper on sound and precise race detection in HW/SW was accepted to ISCA!

Adrian Sampson wins a Facebook PhD Fellowship!!

Melody Kadenko is now Program Director!

We will present two papers at WoDet-ASPLOS, one on automatic fault avoidance, and one on merging execution and language level deterministic guarantee.

Our paper “Architectural Support for Disciplined Approximate Programming” was accepted to ASPLOS’12.

Tom Bergan wins a Google PhD Fellowship!!

Our work on energy-aware programming models has been covered in ACM TechNews, GeekWire, Engadget, …

Our paper “Data-Race Exceptions Have Benefits Beyond the Memory Model” was accepted to MSPC’11.

Joe Devietti wins an Intel Fellowship! And Katelin Bailey wins an NSF fellowship!

Our paper on large graph processing with commodity processors was accepted to HotPar’11.

Our paper on minimal HW support for race detection will appear in EuroPar’11.

Our paper on OS Implications of Non-volatile Memory was accepted to HotOS’11!

We will present three papers during ASPLOS next week: one on relaxed consistency determinism (main conference), Dense Approximate Storage (WACI session), and a critical look at determinism (WoDet).

Our paper on energy-aware programming was accepted to PLDI’11,

Our paper on reconstructing executions for debugging was accepted to PLDI’11.

Our paper on analyzing the power efficiency of lock-free data-structures was accepted to INTERACT’11.

Our paper on “Checked Load: Architectural Support for JavaScript Type-Checking on Mobile Processors Authors” has been accepted to HPCA’11.

Our paper on “RCDC: Relaxed Consistency Deterministic Computer” has been accepted to ASPLOS’11.

Our paper on “A Limit Study of JavaScript Parallelism” has been accepted to IISWC’10.

Our paper on “Deterministic Process Groups in dOS” has been accepted to OSDI’10.

Rodolfo Azevedo, from UNICAMP, Brazil, has just arrived and will be spending the year with us.

Our paper on “Composable Specifications for Structured Shared-Memory Communication” has been accepted to OOPSLA’10.

The CoreDet source code has been released.

We recently got nice write-ups in The UW “University Week”, Scientific American, The Register, and Sifynews.

Our paper “Lock Prediction” was accepted to HotPar 2010.

We have two papers accepted to ISCA! One on the Concurrency Exceptions project and one on the Concurrency Detection and Bug Avoidance project.

Brandon wins an IBM Fellowship!

Luis was awarded a 2010 Sloan Research Fellowship!

We, together with Vikram Adve from UIUC, organized the Workshop on Deterministic Multiprocessing and Parallel Programming in Seattle. Lots of great people and exciting research talks!

Our paper “CoreDet: A Compiler and Runtime System for Deterministic Multithreaded Execution” was accepted to ASPLOS’10.

The ASPLOS’09 DMP paper was selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2010.

Our paper “Finding Concurrency Bugs with Context-Aware Communication Graphs” was accepted to MICRO’09.

Luis was named a 2009 Microsoft New Faculty Fellow. More information, and a brand-new ‘glamour shot’ photo, at Microsoft’s NFF page!

Susan was named the 2009-2010 ACM Athena Lecturer.

Our paper on Concurrency Discovery for Very Large Windows of Execution was accepted to the PESPMA Workshop, held with ISCA’09.

Our Case for Concurrency Exceptions paper was accepted to USENIX Hot Topics in Parallelism 2009.

Luis was awarded an NSF CAREER award for a proposal entitled “Deterministic Shared Memory Multiprocessing: Vision, Architecture and Impact on Programmability”!

Atom-Aid and DMP were licensed by UW’s TechTransfer.</text>